Announcing: The USA Shaolin Temple Online Store
We are proud to announce the launch of the USA Shaolin Temple Online Store. Now you can find USA Shaolin Temple specialty goods online. Browse through our selection of apparel, accessories, video, training gear, and more!
We want to thank you for shopping at the USA Shaolin Temple Online Store by offering you Shaolin Beads. The first 88 orders over $88 will receive Shaolin Beads. These beads can be used to pray for world peace, love and respect.*
Shop now!
Here’s a preview of some of the USA Shaolin Temple specialty goods found on the online store.
The Shaolin Workout includes 28 exercise sessions that teach authentic Shaolin Kung Fu stretches, stances, poses, punches, and kicks as well as daily meditations to strengthen the mind, body, and spirit. By following this program, you will become more in tune with your body and the world around you. The Shaolin secrets to getting the body, spirit – and life – you’ve always wanted are contained in this book. Now is the time to get started. Click here to buy The Shaolin Workout.
Shaolin Beads serve many purposes. You can use them for blessings, spreading the peace, to keep you calm, and to flatten your heart. You can use them to pray for world peace, love and respect. Click here to buy Shaolin Beads.
USA Shaolin Temple Training Shoes remind you to get up and start moving with its signature slogan “More Chi! Train Harder!” printed on them. Life is living – move forward! Click here to buy USA Shaolin Temple Training Shoes.
*Offer good until Christmas of 2010.