In 1928, a warlord named Shi Yousan fired on and burned the temple for over 45 days. Abbot Xingzheng saved many books and sutras in the Shaolin Temple library from destruction by burying them underground. During one attack, while trying to retrieve more texts from the library, some debris hit his left eye, which he lost use of.

After Mao Zedong died in 1976, Abbot Xingzheng went to Beijing numerous times to speak to the people in power. While all religions had been outlawed in the years of the revolution, he tried to change the government’s standpoint by arguing that Buddhism contained philosophy and knowledge, and was not a bad thing for the Chinese people. He spoke to them often and thus helped not only Buddhism and Daoism, but all the religions, come back to life. In 1978, the goverment opened up and said, “宗教信仰自由”, “Freedom of Religious Belief”; whatever people wanted to believe, they were free to do so.