Learn Shaolin Kung Online

Shifu Shi Yan Ming provides authentic Shaolin martial arts training in a Livestream class format. The classes are designed for both new students and experienced practitioners. The online training lessons allow for a learn-at-your-own-pace format. 

Classes available online:

You can access over 125+ recorded kung fu, qi gong, taijiquan, weapons, forms, and calligraphy classes. The Patreon subscription provides access to a library of lessons and access to newly recorded training sessions. 


  • Self-paced learning
  • Learn at home
  • Access a library of lessons from a master, Shi Yan Ming
  • Shaolin Martial Arts: Kung Fu, Qi Gong, Taiji / Buddhism

We have created multiple subscription levels. Each level provides access to unique lessons in Shaolin history, practices, and disciplines. Shifu’s goal is to spread the rich practice and philosophy of Shaolin to the world.

Shaolin Patreon