Corporate Sports Event- Add a little Shaolin To your Life

On October 3rd, Shifu Shi Yan Ming gave a private Shaolin class to a group of highly motivated, exceptional New Yorkers. Starting at the bright hour of 7AM the group began to gather outside the temple, getting ready for their run.

Depending on the length of their run, the athletes returned back to the home base of the day- the USA Shaolin Temple.  There waiting for them were refreshments of water, bagels and bananas, and stretching body tools which the sponsors of the event provided.

Shifu then lead the group is a Chan philosophy discourse. This was both a physical demonstration of Tai Chi Chen Style, words, and action meditation for the group.  The principles of self mastery, bringing and inviting challenge into ones life, and the beauty of a life well lived, resonated with this group of New Yorkers. Even though none had been taught by Shifu before this day, it was evident that they could see these principles and strived for them through their own sports and physical endeavors.

Action meditation, or “dong chan” in Chinese, can be everything and anything we do.  Play some music, speak, eat, go swimming, go climb a tree, go climb a mountain, walk upside-down, go for a run- any  action you can think of that you can express your beautiful life- that’s action meditation.  There are a million different doors for a million different people to walk through in their lives, and a million different ways for a million different people to meditate in their lives.
