Grazie Hommes – Sophie Peyrard Interviews Shifu Shi Yan Ming
Fall/Winter 2017-208
GQ Stops by USA Shaolin Temple with Fake Pence
June 2017
The Examiner.com speaks with Shifu about Action Meditation
September 21, 2015
Violet Li discusses Shaolin Temple history of action meditation with Shifu Shi Yan Ming.
The Gleaner- one of Jamaica’s larges newspapers, visits the USA Shaolin Temple
May 31, 2015
The Gleaner, one of Jamaica’s oldest newspapers (established in 1834) talks to Shifu Shi Yan Ming about Chan Philosophy.
NY1’s Celebrates Asian American History Month at the USA Shaolin Temple
May 11, 2015.
VICE China- Kung Fu Master In New York
April 16, 2015
VICE China interviews Shifu Shi Yan Ming.
The World Journal
November 2, 2014
The World Journal is arguably one of the most influential Chinese language newspapers in North America.
10 Greatest Ever Movie Sporting Moments- Forever Sports Magazine
November 1, 2014
Forget England winning the world cup or the Rumble in the Jungle- these sports feats were far better. Shifu Shi Yan Ming was featured in this article regarding the 3-inch punch.
Life is So Beautiful That We Can Not Waste It – Listin Diario
July 28, 2011
Shifu Shi Yan Ming is interviewed in the Dominican Republic’s biggest newspaper, Listin Diario, as part of his first visit to the island nation. English and Spanish versions.
The Power of Chi! – Katana Magazine
March 30, 2011
Shifu Shi Yan Ming is featured on the cover of and interviewed by Mexico’s Katana Magazine (Spanish with English translation).
How Sasha Pivovarova Stays Pretty
February 2, 2011
She’s the face of Biotherm and a fan of their Aquasource moisturiser but supermodel Sasha Pivovarova has some unorthodox ways of keeping catwalk ready.
Shi Yan Ming Displays Kung Fu’s Power in New York – World Journal
November 4, 2010
Article from the Chinese newspaper “World Journal” about Shi Yan Ming and the USA Shaolin Temple.
Shaolin Temple Sprouts – NY Daily News
November 2, 2010
A Shaolin monk whose SoHo kung fu classes have drawn rappers from the Wu-Tang Clan, actor Wesley Snipes and singer Bjork hopes to bring his kicks to the Catskills.
Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Facility Coming to Fleischmanns
September 21, 2010
A Buddhist tradition that traces its roots more than 1500 years will be branching out into the Catskill Mountains with the establishment of a Shaolin Temple near Fleischmanns.
Watershed Post: Fighting Shaolin monks bring kung fu to Fleischmanns
September 15, 2010
Fleischmanns just keeps getting more incredible. Delaware County’s most culturally exuberant hamlet is now the spiritual home of thousands of joyous kung fu fighters, members of the USA Shaolin Temple.
Temple Students Featured in Chinese Newspaper
August 4, 2010.
Helping Each Other Live a Peaceful Life
November 29, 2009
FAITH IN THE CITY: DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com The Daily news routinely publishes an article on New Yorkers favorite place of worship. This week they focused on the USA SHAOLIN TEMPLE.
Vogue June 2009. The Wedding Party
June 1, 2009
Feature photo spread in Vogue Magazine, entitled “The Wedding Party” with Sasha Pivovarova and “Chi” Gore.
February 24, 2009
The USA Shaolin Temple is hosting a night of Kung Fu and Swing Dance performance accompanied by live music, Saturday March 7th 2009 at the Brooklyn Lyceum (227 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215) to represent the dancing way of the warrior in everyone’s favorite borough!
January 15, 2009
It’s a similar story to “The 36th Chamber,” the 1978 film that first inspired RZA and the Wu-Tang to find a shifu (Shaolin master) in New York City to study with. RZA later had his Shaolin master, Shifu Shi Yan-Ming, who still runs a Shaolin school in SoHo, over for regular visits to the Wu Mansion in New Jersey. The teacher’s influence is felt on every one of RZA’s albums, and the new “Afro Samurai Res,” out this month, is no exception.
Martial Edge Interview with Shifu Shi Yan Ming
September 21, 2008
Lesley Jackson of Martial Edge interviews Shifu Shi Yan Ming. He talks about life growing up at the Shaolin Temple, the beginnings of the USA Shaolin Temple, and his philosophy on training and life.
Shi Yan Ming visits Zen Dragon School of Martial Arts
March 13, 2007
David and Heidi Bowers, owners of Zen Dragon School of Martial Arts in Chambersburg, PA recently hosted the rev. Abbott, Shi Yan Ming, and four of his disciples.
Noho Warrior Monk Fights for Strong Minds, Bodies
January 24, 2007
In 1994 Shifu (Master) Shi Yan Ming, a 34th-generation warrior monk, opened his first U.S.A. Shaolin Temple over a grocery story in Chinatown with less than 10 students. Now he has an extensive schedule of daily classes, including kung fu, tai chi, chi kung, open meditation and Chan Buddhism in his new location at 446 Broadway off of Howard St.
Punches, Stances, and Kicks Followed by Meditations
July 20, 2006
The Shaolin Workout: This is not an exercise regimen for the weary. But don’t be intimidated, the exercises in this book are accessible. And improvements do come with time.
Kurier – Nicht nur Monch, auch ein Shaolin Tempel kommt nach Osterreich
July 16, 2006
Shi Yan Ming visits Austria Shaolin Temple. Kurier July 16th 2006.
Segundo Seminario del Gran Maestro Shi Yan Ming
July 7, 2006
Seminar in Mexico featured in Spanish-language Mundo Marcial.
I’m in a Shaolin State of Mind
June 19, 2006
Review of The Shaolin Workout from ToxicUniverse.com.
El Maestro Del Shaolin
June 1, 2006.
Shi Yan Ming en Mexico!
June 1, 2006
Article on Shaolin Temple Mexico in Artes Marciales.
Shaolin Fighting Monk comes out with Book
May 31, 2006
Article about Shi Yan Ming’s book, The Shaolin Workout, in Sing Tao Daily.
Everybody’s Kung Fu Writing
May 24, 2006
Warrior monk Sifu Shi Yan Ming shows his moves in a kung fu demonstration at Barnes and Noble Astor Place.
This Monk is a Boldface Name – NY Times
May 14, 2006
As a young monk in the legendary Shaolin Temple in China, Shifu Shi Yan Ming learned to break rocks with his skull, deflect blades with his skin, sleep while hanging upside down from a tree branch, and dangle a 50-pound weight from his scrotum. He was thus ideally prepared for the rigors of Manhattan living.
SiFu Shi Yan Ming – Artes Marciales
May 1, 2006
Maestro de Kung Fu visito Vina del Mar
February 15, 2006
El fundador del Templo Shaolin de Nueva York, busca asentarse en la Ciudad Jardin.
Shaolin Seminar in Chile
January 29, 2006
Poster from Shifu Shi Yan Ming’s Seminar in Chile.
Me gustaria abrir un templo en Talca
January 6, 2006
The newspaper, El Centro, featured Shifu Shi Yan Ming in an article about his visit to Chile in late January 2006.
Feature in Pen magazine
November 15, 2005
The USA Shaolin Temple was featured in Japanese-language Pen Magazine.
Shi Yan Ming – Un Monje Shaolin en Morelos
November 1, 2005
Article from CUAM TKD Magazine in Mexico.
Media Mexico
October 21, 2005
Shifu Shi Yan Ming journeyed back to Cuernavaca Mexico in October 0f 2005 to conduct a second seminar in the traditions of Shaolin. Here are a few of the articles that were precipitated by his second visit to Mexico.
Lethal Weapon – Elle Canada
August 1, 2005
If you’re dozing in the cobra position, it’s time to kick butt, Kill Bill-style.
Class Teaches Diversity, Warrior Spirit
July 1, 2005
It’s not often that Naval Academy classrooms are visited by a monk, but it did happen recently.
Fighting for a Better Life
May 18, 2005
An ancient order attracts new disciples, growing by leaps and bounds.
Dept. Of Celebration: Drunk Monk – New Yorker
May 2, 2005
There are only so many birthday-party venues where you wait around for the guest of honor in your socks. One of them is a Buddhist kung-fu temple.
Gaiam – Tai Chi
June 16, 2004
On June 16th two disciples of the USA Shaolin Temple, Heng Yu and Heng A, were found practicing Tai Chi under the direction of Shifu Shi Yan Ming in the scenic environment of Riverside Park.
Beyond Human Endurance – Discovery Channel
January 1, 2003
In Beyond Human Endurance, a Discovery Channel Documentary, we span the globe and see the human body pushed to amazing extremes.
Training zum Actionmonch – Wien
September 4, 2002
Shaolin kung fu training in Austria: Wien, Mittwoch, Sept. 4th 2002
Kronen Zeitung – Fliegende Monche
September 4, 2002
Newspaper Article: Shaolin Temple Austria: Mittwoch Sept. 4 2002.
Kurier – Kampfmonche im Konkurrenzkampf
September 1, 2002
Update on the Vienna Temple for Chan Buddhism. Kurier September 2002.
OONachrichten – 2002 Seminar in Austria
July 27, 2002
Nachrichten: Austria News. Vienna Temple: Shi Yan Ming visits Austria to teach a seminar and visit the Austria branch of the USA Shaolin Temple.
OONachrichten – Shaolinmonch in Linz
July 24, 2002
Austria News: Classes beginning in Austria. Nachrichten July 24th 2002.
Der Standard – Eine Frage innerer Ruhe
July 21, 2002
Der Standard Temple news.
Falter – Stadtmensch
July 19, 2002
Shi Heng Xin at the Temple in Vienna
Lokal Nachrichten – Linzer wurde in New York zu einem Shaolin Lehrling: Nun Workshop in Linz
July 17, 2002
Lokal Nachrichten July 2002: Austria Temple.
Dienstag – Ein Shaolin Temple fur die Innenstadt
July 16, 2002
News related to the Austria Branch of the USA Shaolin Temple
UExpress – Kung Fu Fighting in Wien
July 16, 2002
UExpress July 16th 2002: Cover, Stadtreport.
Kurier July 2002
July 1, 2002
Kung fu workshops in Vienna Austria in 2002 by Shi Yan Ming.
Kampf-Monch der Promis – Die Presse
July 1, 2002
Temple News in Austria. Shi Yan Ming seminar.
News Austria
July 1, 2002
Summer events featuring Shaolin Kung fu with Shi Yan Ming
Kronen Zeitung – Linzer Shaolin lehrt Kung Fu
June 24, 2002
Vienna Temple news: Mittwoch. July 2002.
KICKING THE HABIT – Time Magazine, November 2001
November 1, 2001
THE POWER OF THE KICK! – Black Belt Magazine
July 1, 2001
The methods discussed below will help you bring intense effort, discipline and mental focus to your practice. There is no quick fix in the martial arts or in life.
THE POWER OF THE PUNCH! – Black Belt Magazine
February 1, 2001
IN PROFILE: SHI YAN MING – Lifestyle and Travel
January 1, 2001
Shaolin fighting monk and martial arts master shares the stuff of a balanced life.
Objective Stretching
April 1, 2000
Nearly every martial arts system has its own method of warming up. There are probably enough different stretching exercises to create a whole new stretching system. But what’s wrong with the old ones?
Travels through Shaolin with RZA
October 1, 1999
Travels through Shaolin with RZA by Gene Ching. (C) Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, reprinted by permission.
Hip Hop Fist – Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA and his Sifu Shaolin Monk Shi Yan Ming
September 1, 1999
Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA and his Shifu, Shaolin Monk Shi Yan Ming.
The Odyssey of Shi Yan Ming
September 1, 1999
In just seven years, Shi Yan Ming has gone from defector to prime-time Shaolin Monk in the Big Apple.
Stance Training – Inside Kung Fu
August 1, 1999
First the good news: jing, or power can be found in virtually every Chinese martial arts system. Now the bad news: most practitioners don’t know what to do with it.
March 1, 1999
My adventures this spring took me to Hawaii for the Martial Arts spectacular which hosted Jackie Chan week and performances by the Beijing Wushu Team and 34th Generation Shaolin Monk Shi Yan Ming. Emceeing the Shaolin part of the show were Rosie Perez and Bokeem Woodbine, now studying Shaolin kung fu, and definitely livening up our fun on Oahu, Maui and Kauai.
Trace Magazine, Nov 1998
November 1, 1998
This photo spread features Shifu Shi Yan Ming and Wu Tang Clan’s the RZA.
December 1, 1997
Shi Yan Ming, who came to New York from China in 1992, is probably the only green-card holder who can dangle a 50 pound weight from his testicles.
Karate Bushido, Le Temple de Shaolin
December 1, 1997
Le Temple de Shaolina: Bushido Karate. Les arts martiaux chinois ce sont plus de 400 styles de kung fu, sans compter la lutte, les Chinna et les armes. La redaction de Karate Bushido vous propose un dossier pour vous y retrouver facilement.
June 1, 1996
Approximately 1500 years ago, the famed Indian Buddhist monk Bodhidharma, known also as DaMo by the Chinese, arrived in China at a time when the nation was divided into the Northern Wei and Liu Sung dynasties.
Chinese Gems Giving Out Dazzling Splendor To The World
January 1, 1996
Shifu appears on the cover of this magazine with students of the USA Shaolin Temple in 1996.
August 1, 1995
After 1,500 years of waiting, the real Shaolin Temple has finally come to America thanks to Shi Yan-Ming’s daring bolt to freedom.
Sifu Shi Yan Ming – Kung Fu Master
I was born in Henan Province and grew up at the Shaolin Temple for many years. From my understanding, I believe everywhere is my home, I believe New York City is my home.
Wu Tang’s RZA speaks with Shi Yan Ming.
Before there are branches, there are roots. Therefore, to tell the story of my life I must start by talking about my parents. My father grew up in an extremely poor family. They were basically homeless; they had to go door to door and beg for food and he never went to school.
THE MONK IN NYC – Giant Robot
Thirty-fourth generation Shaolin fighting monk Shi Yan-Ming (pronounced SHER-yen-ming) opened his kung fu school in 1994 above a Chinese grocery store on Mott Street in New York’s Chinatown.
China Travel Henan
Tourism Bureau of Henan Province China International Travel Service Luoyang Branch
Wu Hun Magazine 1999
Chinese martial arts magazine
The Buddhist Association of the United States 1993
Shi Yan Ming was featured on the cover of the Buddhist Association of the United States, Sept. 1993. The Buddhist Association of the United States, 1993
Secrets of Shaolin Martial Arts
Shi Yan Ming was featured on the cover the book The Secrets of 3 Shaolin Martial Arts – Chi Gong, Dim Mak, and Chin Na, 1998.
Book: The Shaolin Kungfu of China, 1992
Published by Hong Kong Huan Yu Publishing House. The Shaolin Kungfu of China, 1992. Photos by Mr. Song Shufan.
Henan China
Henan China: a book documenting the Shaolin Temple, which features Shaolin Monk Shi Yan Ming.
China Travel 2
China Travel 2: a book that documents travel in China and features the Shaolin monks of China.
Article in VOGUE Russia
Feature article on Shi Yan Ming in VOGUE Russia.